

Ana P Gutierrez Garza, (Anthropology)

Jade Fletcher (Philosophy)

Deputy Director:

Isabel Segui (Film Studies)

Academic Committee:

Ruth Woodfield, (Management)

Ife Okafor-Yarwood, (Sustainable Development)

Anna Brown, (Management)

Morven Shearer, (Director of Graduate School)

Walter Pedriali, (Philosophy)

Catherine O’Leary (Modern Languages)

Stavroula Pipyrou (Anthropology)

Rahul Rao (International Relations)

Research Coordinators

Emilia Wilson, (PhD Candidate, Philosophy)
Sebastian Stuart, (PhD Candidate, Philosophy and Art History)

Alumni Advisory Board

Upon graduation alumni are invited to be part of the advisory board as associate fellows. This role involves providing feedback on the MLitt programme and the running of the Institute. Members are also invited to attend a yearly alumni day in which they meet the current MLitt cohort and give talks about career moves or specialist subject matters.

Chairperson: Sebastian Stuart

Arantza Asali Infante
Amy Illson
Aimee Lewis
Jordan McKay
Annalisa Muscalo
Caeleen Saintraint

Academic Affiliates

Postgraduate Student Affiliates

Professional Affiliates